Omar Sakr
Web Designer
Menofia, Egypt
+20 106 981 149
Adobe Tools (PS - AE - PR - XD)
Work Experience
Front-End devoloper | Freelancer
Oct 2018 - Feb 2019
After I finished the OneMillion Arab coders program I started working alone with clients designing and developing professional websites using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. I also use some js libraries such as jQuery to speed up the workflow.
Vedio Editor | Youtube
June 2016 - May 2018
Started on youtube as a Video editor & director with 3alwad3k (علوضعك) with the idea of delivering a type of quality content that was a bit rare in the egyptian youtube and we succeed in gaining 7000 subscribes, but eventually we failed due to many technical reasons. I gained a lot of experience in videography in this time period and lernt using Adobe kit professionally.
Graphic Desginer
No exact time
After I learned PS I worked with my friends in some random designs page on Facebook it was more as training for me after learning Photoshop
Faculty of commerce | Menofia university
Aug 2018 - Current
Iam in the second year out of four years
OSSU (Open Source Society University)
June 2020 - Current
A free self-taught education in Computer Science
Front-End web devolopment |
Aug 2018 - Oct 2018
Part of the One Million Arab Coders programe | veiw Certificate